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La Grave gets a 30 year lease of life

SATASKI take over the contract from June 2017

featured in News & reviews Author Ellie Mahoney, Alpe d'Huez Editor Updated

Great news for La Grave's future, as it's been announced that SATA, the main lift operator in Alpe d'Huez will be taking over the operation of La Grave's lifts from June this year.

A packed room on Friday night saw a unanimous vote to have SATA take over the operation, although they were the last ones in the running after a crowdfunding bid was rejected and Compagnie des Alpes pulled out of the bid.

SATA have laid out plans for the future that include building a third stage cable car to the top of the Dome de la Lauze, keeping on the existing staff, renovation and replacement of some of the existing lifts and an increase in operating times. The proposals will cost in the region of 10 million euros and subsidies are being sought to bring these plans to fruition. It's hoped that the third stage lifts should be in place by 2021.

Lift prices should remain roughly the same says SATA, who take over the operation on 15th June 2017.