© Rob Wood
© Rob Wood
© Rob Wood
Big Air Bag Alpe d'Huez
Get some air & practise your jumps & spins
Whether you fancy following in Sir Bradley Wiggins’ footsteps on the Channel 4 show The Jump (probably not!) or see yourself more as a Shaun White (more my era!) then fear not, Alpe d’Huez has just the thing for you.
The Big Air Bag practice jump facility is based down at the Marmottes1 lift station (behind Les Bergers Commercial Centre) and is a great way to practice your jumps and tricks in a safe environment, before taking them out onto the slopes or snowparks.
Basically it’s a huge inflatable crash mat with a slope and a kicker to propel you upwards. You can ski, snowboard or even jump in an inflatable donut if you simply fancy some good old fashioned fun.
Prices range from €3 for just one jump to €30 for 20 jumps (you can share the jumps around) or €12 for ½hour up to €70 for a whole weeks pass. You can even get a whole season pass for €120. Instruction is given, along with a safety brief and the guys speak really good English as well.
As many of you will have watched Ski Sunday on BBC2 on Sunday evening, you will have no doubt seen the large feature on the success of British snowboarding and how it is largely accredited to the practice facilities they use in Laax in Switzerland, which has a large jump bag exactly the same as the one here in Alpe d’Huez.
Check out the short video below to see what it’s all about and if you missed Ski Sunday catch up on it on the BBC iPlayer.